The UPLB Agricultural And Rural Development Scholars And Associates, Incorporated (UPLB ARDS Inc) was incorporated in 2019 to pursue the noble objective of Presidential Decree 1209 signed into law in 10th October 1977, that is providing opportunity and support to a selected number of qualified and deserving students from the rural and farming sector of the country to study in the University of the Philippines at Los Baños.
The Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship (ARDS), was created through Presidential Decree No. 1209 in 1977. The program embarked on a nationwide agricultural and rural development through training of deserving but needy students from the least developed regions of the Philippines, who were envisioned to pursue development-oriented careers.
In 1978, the first batch of ARDS grantees started their journey at UPLB. Since then, a new group of students, recruited from different areas of the country arrive at UPLB to pursue their dream of finishing college. As of 2020, a total of 43 batches and XXX students have benefited from the scholarship.
UPLB ARDSS is an organization endeavored to uplift academic excellence and to provide a venue for enhancing skills of each member for future undertakings.
UPLB ARDSS is a duly recognized acad-civic organization in the University of the Philippines, Los Baños established on 1980 and is composed of the recipients of the Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship, endeavored to uplift academic excellence and to provide a venue for enhancing skills of each member for future undertakings.
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) at UPLB was established in June 1978 in conjunction with the implementation of the Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship (ARDS) Program.
In 2014, the UP Board of Regents elevated and extended the Center’s mandate to further promote academic excellence not just to local undergraduate students, but also international undergraduate and graduate students.
Currently, the Center is implementing the following programs:
1. Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship (ARDS)
2. Bridge Program (BP)
3. Recruitment of the Best and the Brightest (RPBB)
4. Tutorials
5. Customized Trainings (e.x. Cultural and Language Training Program)
6. Providing Learning Alternatives to the Youth (PLAY)